She went digging through her stash and found that she already had a Spring scarf on the needles. However, she was puzzled. What was the pattern? It was scribbled on the back of a work memo from last year. No name. No stitch count. No needle size. And why was she using straight needles? The knitter juggled her knitting memories and there were no straight needles there.

Whatever. A scarf had been started. Why not continue? But the knitter quickly realized the reason why the project had been abandoned. Those awkward, heavy, potential eye-poking-out straight needles.
She switched over to circulars. Same size as the straights. However, the cable were ginormous! The scarf was only 20 stitiches but an afghan of 500 stitches could have fit on the needle.
So she went down to a very small cable. And had a go up a needle size because that's all she had.

But the smaller cable was too small and hurt her wrists. Besides, the stitch pattern began to look like macrame. The knitter's days of tie-dye and VW vans were long, long behind her.

So she frogged the whole thing.

The end.