Way back when, I started a
Clapotis. 1300 yards of
Briar Rose in legend weight (between sport and DK).
I plunged right in. I knew I wanted it wider than the pattern, but didn't stop to plan it out. Eyeballed the width.
In late spring, I put the Clapotis on the back burner to work on the Summer Lake Shawl. And then, during the summer, I discovered the Clapotis group on Ravelry and learned about the "rule of fifths." 1/5 of the yarn for the increase rows/ 1/5 for the decrease rows/ 3/5 for the length.
OH! I then went into a panic. I knew I was already on the length rows when I had put it aside. And I have so much yarn! Will I end up with a long, skinny shawl?
The Clapotis group advises weighing and dividing the yarn into fifths. But I didn't have a food scale. And I kept forgetting to buy one.
All summer the voices in my head kept whispering:
Must buy food scale. Must weigh the yarn. Must figure out how much yarn I used for the increase section. Must divide the yarn in to fifths. Must rip back.
However all of this was theoretical because I never even looked at the Clapotis or the yarn. But this didn't stop me from panicking because I
thought I didn't follow the rule of fifths!
When I finished the Summer Lake Shawl, I finally pulled the Clapotis out and looked at it.
Look at this! You see on the right hand side a couple of pieces of yarn? I seemed to have added a new skein when I started the length rows. That's good! And I had divided the 1300 yards into six balls--five of about the same size and one much smaller one. That's good too!
Two for the increase and decrease and three for the length. And the little one leftover for maybe a headband. WHEW! The rule of fifths rules!