Saturday, March 1, 2008

Marching Along

I often find myself sitting in a knitting abyss. It's not a pretty place. This is where hours wasted 'net surfing and watching American Idol reside. There's plenty of coffee and wine there--but, no yarn or needles.

So, since I'm a person who needs to write out a daily "to do" list that even includes "take shower," "get dressed" on it and since I work best under a deadline, I'm blatently stealing this idea from All Tangled Up--knitting goals for the month.

March goals:
1. Finish (gulp!) the North Sea Shawl
2. Play catch-up with the second Chimney Sock. Knit it to the heel.
3. Cast on and begin a baby sweater. (I've never knit a sweater of any size, so this is practice before beginning a humungous sized one.)

Doable, I think so. I'm just glad there's 31 days this month.

From the blogiversary contest--some more blogs:

Today Odds and Ends is flashing 5,000 yards of Zephyr. I get woozy just looking at it!

Since it's the Wearin' O'the Green month, Share is sharing with us her pattern for a crocheted Shamrock Pin. Hmmm. . . something else to add to the goals list.

And Share also shared with us Dove Knits. I just love her idea for the notions roll-up.


Dove Knits said...

Your goals are definitely doable. And starting with a baby sweater is a great idea! It teaches you how to construct a garment, but without the monetary commitment for the yarn. IT'll come out cute, because it's teeny, and sizing is alot less important. Can't wait to see what you do!

Also -- wee! I'm famous!

stringplay said...

I enjoyed the links. But I have a suspicion that March will speed past me before I realize what's going on. I had completely forgotten St. Patrick's Day! And a baby sweater. That's a good idea. (still.....that sewing....)