Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Fever

No, NYC didn't suddenly burst into bloom. Hubster and I are in Philadelphia for the Flower Show. It's glorious! The colors, the flower-scented air! The promise that this long winter will end.

Looky look what else I found at the Flower Show---knitters!

This lady was sitting among the flowers knitting the softest scarf. I like how the yarn matches the flowers behind her. She was lovely and I wish I could have spent some time sitting with her on the bench knitting and chatting.

A little while later, a woman walked past me wearing the comfiest looking knit vest. And I just can't help myself--I had to know if it was hand knit. It was! At that point, I had a macro lens on my camera---so here's a super close-up of the very pretty yarn. The knitter and I exchanged Ravelry names, so now I'll be stalking. . . uh. . . that is. . . .watching what other beautiful things she'll be making.

Flowers and knitters----a great combination!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


vi said...

a lot of my friends from up here were down there today too

stringplay said...

That IS a great combination. I'm enjoying seeing the flower show from my comfy chair. So nice to have live feeds from you. I know the flowers must be great and you do love flowers.

Yesterukes said...

They're everywhere! (Knitters, that is.) Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Us knitters are everywhere!