Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back to Back

I told myself I wouldn't blog till I had something to show. Ta da!

After ripping back the armhole decreases, I got back on track. But then had to frog back again because I confused ssk and k2tog. I think I still had vacation brain.

Back home, finally I was on my way. About six or so inches and the back will be finished. YAY!

However, I've looked over the instructions for the front. This is my first sweater and reading about how to measure for the buttons and buttonholes is scary. I see that math is involved and math and I have a love/hate relationship.

Experienced knitters, any and all tips and tricks on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!


margaret in manhattan said...

would have to see the pattern to give any tips/tricks - is the buttonhole band knit as you go, or added later?

Yesterukes said...

Maybe there is reason I live in such heat...I don't need to figure out how to knit a sweater! If it requires math, I'd be lost from the get-go.

Watching yours with interest, though. Wouldn't be the first time someone's blog has started me down a new path. I'm working on my third Sunny baby blanket after seeing yours!

stringplay said...

No pointers from me. I'm with D, sitting on the sidelines watching and cheering. That is a very nice, EVEN and SMOOTH armhole decrease. WAY to GO!
It is nice to dream that it will again be cool enough for a sweater. At this point EARRINGS are too hot!

Jolene said...

Have only done one real button band, but here's the little bit I can pass along. Place the top and bottom buttons first, then the "non-negotional" button (the one the keeps your sweater buttoned nicely, rather than gaping, at the chest). Then use those buttons to calculate the spacing between the rest.

Here's a blog that I found helpful in then placing the buttons: How to Place Buttonholes