Sunday, November 27, 2011

So What Did People Wear?

The Knitters Review Retreat is a knitting fashion show! Everywhere I looked, there was something more beautiful to gawk at. Here's a few.

There were plenty of sweaters and vests worn in chilly Canandaigua.

The laces were gorgeous!

And at any gathering of knitters, there's always a pretty Clapotis

Garter stitch striped shawls were popular--I love their look.

But IF I had to choose my favorite piece of knitwear--believe me, this is tough--I'd pick this stunning catkin. It has texture and garter stitch stripes and slip stitches and buttons and, no, it isn't on my needles. . . yet.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

No Turkey for Me

The only turkey on our table this year were our candlesticks.

I've had turkey-less Thanksgivings before, but this is the first time I prepared for turkey and didn't have it. I bought a fresh turkey yesterday. The "buy by" date was 11/26. But I opened the package this morning and PEEEEEEE-YEW!

Back to the store it went and corned beef then became our Thanksgiving meat. The one concession I made to the corned beef was to serve it with carrots and not turnips and butternut squash.

Maybe on St. Paddy's Day, I should cook turkey and cabbage?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Busy Hands

More about the wonderful Knitters Review Retreat in another post. But, one of many things that set apart a knitting retreat from the real world are all the busy, busy hands.

There was knitting, of course:

But hands were also busy winding yarn

and spinning yarn, too.

And one knitter had busy hands sewing on buttons.

And then there's the diet plan that keeps hands busy knitting instead of reaching for another cookie.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Bathing Beauty

I mentioned to some people that the Hitchhiker was on the small side. Um. . . . then I gave it a bath. Here's the scarf drying stretched out on a king-size bed. (You can't see from the photo, but one end drapes down the side of the bed.)

I didn't measure it pre-bath, but judging from this photo, it's longer.
Compare to this.

Sorry if I mislead anybody into thinking the scarf is on the smallish side.

Meanwhile, Stephen West and I have some decisions to make.