Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Saga of the Tree

On Sunday, hubster and I went to Zingone's for our tree.

The tree guy said, "I've got a great tree for you!"

The top of the tree was trimmed

and hubster hauled it home in our SUV (Sidewalk Utility Vehicle.)

Between giving the tree time to settle and me being busy, I didn't get a chance to decorate until Wednesday. So I blasted the Christmas music, made myself a cup of coffee spiked with eggnog and got to work.

As I added the many hand-made ornaments, I remembered the talents of loved ones who are no longer with us

and admired at the creativity of new friends.

And just as I was enjoying it all. . . . .


After some tears and a phone call to the hubster at work, I assessed the damage. Not much. Only two ornaments were smashed.

Ornaments that were on the floor or were in precarious positions on the fallen tree were set aside in a bowl

and, when the hubster came home, we righted the tree. Next morning, more Christmas music and more coffee spiked with eggnog and I re-decorated.

And that's the end of the story--I hope!


Yesterukes said...

Oh nooooooo...........!

EileenNY said...

Great Recovery! It's still beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and Bob!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tannenbaum! So glad you got it up again! Merry Christmas!

stringplay said...

SUV. I love the NYC take on it. Glad the tree is upright again, but so sad to see the broken ornament. So many memories tied up in our ornaments. All are special.

Devorah said...

Oh! Glad it got righted -- and it looks lovely.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the coffee spiked with eggnog was to blame... ; )