I have
Rhinebeck hangover! How can one come back to the everyday after experiencing so much yarn, color, stunning knits and fried foods?
My one regret is that I didn’t take enough photos. But here’s a sampling.
Since I wanted to avoid the crowds on Saturday, the hubster and I went up to the Rhinebeck area that afternoon. Relaxed in the hotel, ordered in dinner and then I knit in the lobby for several hours.
When I first went downstairs, I met two lovely knitters—a mother and daughter from Connecticut –who warmly welcomed me and told me the highs and lows of their day at the fairground.
People then began arriving back to the hotel and soon the lobby was full of knitters!

The Hitchhiker Scarf especially enjoyed the fireplace.

We got up early on Sunday and arrived at the fairground about a half hour before the gates opened.
This gave me time to admire the trees that are just beginning to turn.

I also gawked at some gorgeous knits.

And it's not surprising how some people spent their time waiting.

Gates opened and here's some of the sights.
Felted food art

The colors!

Look at that sweet face!

Orenburg shawls for sale

The wearer’s grandmother made this fun sweater.

I didn’t have any—but the idea of fried pickles is both intriguing and nauseating
Ann Hanson (carrying the green bag.) I wonder what yummy yarns she has in those bags?

Queen Bee
Clara Parkes who was there to sign her wonderful
new book.

OK, the main event. What did I buy? Not much. I didn't intend to buy
any yarn. I was there more for the ambiance and the inspiration. But, some did follow me home.
Sanguine Gryphon Zaftig Bugga (No! I didn’t wait two hours in line.), a couple of Christmas ornaments, a needle case, a little bit of 3ply
cashmere, fingerless gloves and a new old-fashioned knitting bag.

The hubster and I were on the road by early afternoon. Whew! I really zipped through those barns. But I feel I saw everything and am very pleased with my purchases. It was a wonderful, wonderful day! And I'm already looking forward to Rhinebeck 2012!